Sunday, June 29, 2008

Rockland Business Digest on WRCR AM Radio, by Ken Mahoney

Mondays 11:07 to 11:37AM - Rockland Business Digest Radio Show

Rockland County's only business-to-business magazine is on the air! Get all the behind the scenes scoop on Rockland Business Digest's articles, expert advice columns and high profile interviews. Co-publisher Ken Mahoney and WRCR's Sophia Salis bring you the stories behind the stories you love to read.

WRCR 1300am

Friday, June 27, 2008

Rockland County response to higher energy prices by Ken Mahoney


Rockland Legislator Ed Day is proposing the county consider a flex time program. He wants all levels of government to explore and, where possible, institute a four-day, forty-hour workweek for municipal employees. Day believes implementation of a modified work week would save Rockland money in both heating and cooling while cutting back the gasoline workers use getting to and from their job. Suffolk County has already implemented a similar program called “Operation Sunshine,” which is expected to save 461 barrels of oil over a 120-day period.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Next Rockland Business Association meeting by Ken Mahoney

Thursday, June 19, 2008 General Membership Luncheon 11:30 am - 1:30 pm IBM Palisades Conference Center 334 Route 9W Palisades, NY

Sponsored by: Active International

Dr. Edward Lundy Chief of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Active International Cardiovascular Institute Good Samaritin Hospital

For the better part of a decade, the RBA worked with others to secure the authorization for the cardiac facility at Good Sam. Now, a year and a half after it opened, there is a report that validates those efforts. We have a report on the accomplishments of Ed Lundy and his team and what they mean to the people of Rockland. There is a story to tell about outcomes of a great community effort to reinforce one of our County's most important economic engines and to being a new "gift of life" to the people of Rockland and our regaion.

Ed asked to make this presentation as a way of saying "Thank You" to the RBA and it's membership. But, the "thanks" go to Ed and his great team. Please join us at this very special luncheon. It's a great story being presented by a terrific guy. You'll be glad you joined us.

Cost: $40 Members / $50 Non-Members

Reservations Required. Credit Cards Accepted - Call in Advance

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Little Giant Awards, By Ken Mahoney

The Little Giant Awards, By Ken Mahoney

The next Rockland Business Digest will be coming out in the week or two.

We will unveil the winners of this year's Little Giant Awards.

The Little Giant Award honors small businesses that represent a spirit of innovation, a dedication to the county, and a willingness to improve not only their own bottom-line, but the business community, as well.

These awards will give excellent exposure to Rockland’s Small Businesses, which make up nearly 85% of the total businesses in the entire county. Awards will be given in seven (7) categories:

1. Family-Owned Business: Recognizes exemplary performance in a solely owned and run family company or organization. 2. Minority-Owned Business: Recognizes outstanding performance in a MWBE business. 3. Micro-Business (Less than 3 employees): Recognizes innovation in running a sole-proprietorship or true micro-enterprise. 4. Best B-to-B Business: Outstanding service and products which help other businesses to reach their objective. 5. Business Community Supporter: Recognizes a company, which understands the importance of a strong business core. 6. Most Innovative Business: Recognizes risk takers with bright ideas. 7. Best to Work For: Provides outstanding work environment and opportunities for all employees.