Tuesday, February 12, 2008



To build or not to build a new Tappan Zee Bridge- that remains the question. Elected officials and the public are hoping New York Department of Transportation Commissioner Astrid Glynn will have answers when she visits the county later this month. Glynn will address elected officials on the $57 million dollars bridge study during a February 22nd legislative summit at Rockland Community College.

The public will have an opportunity to view some new and upgraded options on February 28th at the Palisades Center Mall open house. All options will run in the billions- but exact figures have not been released.

Monday, February 11, 2008

RBA Pinncale Winners

Congratulations from Steve Powell and Ken Mahoney to winners of this year's RBA Pinnacle Award Winners

5th Annual Pinnacle Awards Recognizing The Best Of The Best


Joseph Lagana Chairman's Award for Overall Business Excellence

Jan Degenshein President's Award for Service to the RBA

Orange & Rockland Utilities, Inc. Award for Corporate Citizenship

Group M, Inc. Women's Forum Award for Outstanding Achievement

Innovative Plastics Corporation Manufacturer's Award for Business Excellence

People to People Outstanding Achievement by a Non-Profit Organization

RBA's Technology Initiative, going green

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Technology Initiative

4:00-6:00 pm

Dominican College, Prusmack Center-Lecture Hall 495 Western Highway (park behind Hennessy Ctr) Blauvelt, NY Cost: No Charge RSVP Required

Topic: Effect Technology Has On Green

GREEN COMPUTING - Dr. Andres Fortino, Polytechnic University GREEN CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY - THE FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Jay Gartlan, President, Gartlan & Gardner Group GREEN CONSTRUCTION FOCUS IN SULLIVAN COUNTY Don Perry, President, Sullivan County Partnership GREEN MANUFACTURING - Hudson Valley Technology Dev. Center DEMONSTRATIONS OF GREEN TECHNOLOGY

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Super Tuesday's Results by Ken Mahoney

Rockland County voters picked Sens. Hillary Clinton and John McCain in Super Tuesday primary.

With 100 percent of the voting machines counted in the Rockland's three Congressional Districts, Democrat Clinton tallied 16,986 votes to Illinois Sen. Barack Obama's 11,608.

On the Republican side, Sen. John McCain captured 5,341 votes, Mitt Romney, 3,276, Mike Huckabee had 506 and Ron Paul had 342.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Tuesday by Ken Mahoney

Super Tuesday by Ken Mahoney

Super Tuesday now has new meaning for Giant Fans. Super Tuesday will be an incredible day for New Yorkers !!

New Yorkers will have a chance to see their favorite Giant, at the parade on Super (Bowl) Tuesday, and get to vote in the primaries.

If you are not sure where to vote in Rockland:

Click here: PollingPlaceLookup http://ntsdata.dnsalias.com/rocklandboe/pollingplacelookup.aspx

Congestion Pricing by Ken Mahoney

Top Rockland lawmaker calls on state legislature to ‘put the brakes on’ congestion pricing plan by Ken Mahoney

Many Rockland business owners will be impacted by the law if passed.

Rockland County Legislature Chairwoman Harriet Cornell and Legislator Ilan Schoenberger Friday introduced legislation calling on the state legislature to reject the controversial congestion pricing plan under consideration for Manhattan.

The New York City Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission this week approved a congestion pricing plan that must now be approved by the New York City council and state legislature.

Under the plan, motorists entering Manhattan south of 60th Street on weekdays from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. would be charged $8, while trucks would pay $21. Motorists driving on the FDR Drive and West Side Highway would also be charged and there would be a $1 surcharge on taxi trips within the charging zone, as well as an increase in street parking charges.

“This is a flawed plan that hurts the people who can least afford it,” said Cornell. “We cannot sit back and allow New York City’s problems to be balanced on the backs of Rockland commuters, particularly when they have no convenient transit options.”

Friday, February 1, 2008

RBA Business After Hours Goes Green

Tueday, February 5, 2008

Business After Hours Goes Green Sponsored by RBA GREEN* *ecologically-friendly companies

5:30 - 7:30 pm

Hilton Pearl River 500 Veterans Memorial Drive, Pearl River, NY

Cost: Members FREE! Non-Members $25

Cash Bar

RSVP Required, call 845-735-2100